- Welcome & Schedule: Coach Carpenter
- Coaching Duties and Philosophies:
- Carpenter-Sprints, Hurdles & Relays
- Upshaw-Weights, Throws & Jumps
- Young-Distance and Middle Distance (introduce Jennifer Carter – Volunteer Assistant)
- Indoor Track Meet:
- Vanderbilt HS Invitational, February 6th
- State Indoor Meet at ETSU on 2/28 for those that qualify
- Need for FAT marks early to qualify for meets later in the year – CCS & Early Bird at Riverdale provide that
- Spring Break Meets – Early Bird (Murfreesboro) & Tri-Cities Track Classic (Johnson City, TN)
- Paperwork (Physicals, Consent, Concussion, and cardiac arrest forms) MUST HAVE ALL
- Budget for season: Coach Young
- $100 participation fee per athlete (Meet Fees, Team supplies, training tools, equipment, travel expense, etc.)
- Fund Raisers: Banner sponsors for State Champ sign, Elementary School Meet, & private donations
- Sportswear:
- Sports booster wear: www.gosmeagles.com. All orders are done online. Orders must be submitted by Feb. 7th
- Nike apparel: Leigh Sanders & Jill Ethridge
- New jerseys this season
- Clean Up Day Sunday 2/7 or 2/21 (weather date) 2PM: Coach Young
- Blowers
- Weed Eaters and mechanical edger
- High Jump Pit Moved
- Communication: Coach Carpenter
- Check website regularly: www.smtrackandcc.com
- Athlete Questionnaire: Google Form
- Volunteer Committee: Coach Carpenter
- Need a chairman
- Home Track Meet Volunteer opportunities: concession, score table, bathroom stocking & clean up, trash pick-up, field events (raking pit, setting up high jump bar, retrieving shot/discus, etc.)
- Banquet: Options: May 13, May 19, or May 20
- Photographer(s)- Save pictures and be upload to Google Drive at the end of the year. Videos too!
- Nutrition / Yoga / Training: Coach Upshaw
- We have access to a Nutritionist
- ATI for severe soreness and injuries
- Team Yoga Sessions with Misty
- Education and Communication is key to keeping our athletes healthy
- Goals for Season – Coach Carpenter
- Continue to grow the overall number of athletes and build program from bottom up
- Build team unity among all aspects of the team
- Increase numbers in each event & cover all events (i.e. triple jump)
- Get as many athletes to the A-AA East Sectional meet at CAK in Knoxville as possible
- Work on feeder program (communication with middle school, Thrasher & Nolan through Elementary School meet).
- Continue to build upon success that has been started.